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  •   Marpha House, Anamnagar, Kathmandu
  •   01-4770425/52

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Personal Information

Is this a Minor Account *

Guardian's Details (In case of Minor only)

In case of minor, guardian and minor's documents are required to submit

Note :   Signature must be signed by black ink and match with Bank Account Signature

Identification Document of Account Holder



Identity Card

Permanent Address

Is your Correspondence Address is different than your Permannet Address *

Correspondence Address

Family Detail

Marital Status *

Bank Account Details

Details of Occupation

Organization Details

Standing instruction for the automatic transactions :    

Are you Non Resident Nepalese *

For Non Resident Nepalese

Involvement in Investment companies which were established for securities trading : *    

Do you want to keep nominee ? *

Nominee's Details

In the event of my death or incapacity, the following named nominee shell be entiled to the balance of my demat account

Nominee's Corespondence Address

Nominee's documents are required to submit

Note :   Signature must be signed by black ink and match with Bank Account Signature

More details on money laundering and financing of terrorist activities

  1. Are you a political or high-ranking person? *
Are you related to a political or high-ranking person? *

Relationship with you*

  1. Is there a person who is your beneficiary? *

Name of the beneficiary*

Relationship with you *

  1. Have you been convicted of any related offence in the past? *

Offences referred to in clause (sh) of Section 2 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2064

Documents Upload

Note :   Signature must be signed by black ink and match with Bank Account Signature